Design book covers for a classic novel that effectively communicates the author's message or point of view behind the narrative. Utilize the novel's context and elements. The design of the book cover variations with the following criteria in mind: Type Only, Handmade, and Designer’s Choice.
Samantha Kay - Idaho
Ellie Doxey - Utah
Laura Balmaceda - Utah
Elizabeth Oveshkova - Ukraine
Lara Gomes - Brazil
Create a series of three, professional quality, print ad posters that could be used in a Public Service Announcement (PSA) print campaign. These posters will promote an important issue or topic that affects individuals and communities.
Giovanna Moraes - Brazil
Abby Wheatley - South Dakota
Morgan Paulson - Idaho
Alissa Hunsaker - Utah
Elena Shannon - Ukraine
Morgan Paulson - Idaho
Grecia Andrade - California
Carina Metso - Texas
Mia Maynard - Colorado
Giovanna Moraes - Brazil
Giovanna Moraes - Brazil
Natalie Stoker - California
Lily Barrus - Utah
Savannah McClung - England
Kaelynn Howell - Utah